Thursday, 3 December 2020

3 December is International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD)

3 December is International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD). On this Day, WHO joined partners to celebrate "a day for all." This theme reflects a growing understanding that disability is part of the human condition. Disability Day aims to encourage a better understanding of people affected by a disability and make people more aware of the rights, dignity, and welfare of disabled people.

Facts about disability
-At least 10% of the world's population, or 650 million people, live with a disability.

-20% of the world's poor are disabled.

-The percentage of children with disabilities not attending school is extremely variable and is between 65 - 85% in some African countries.

-Mortality for children with disabilities may be as high as 80% in countries where under-five mortality as a whole has decreased to below 20%.

-In many low-income and middle -income countries, only 5-15% of disabled people who require assistive devices and technology have access to them.

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