HPL is an experiential programme based on T-
Group Methodology. ‘Experiential learning groups’ are wherein learning is by sharing
of personal experiences generated in ‘here and now’ in small groups of around
ten. The experiential methodology known as T-Group is for enhancing sensitivity
or greater understanding of another person through knowing and predicting
feelings, thoughts and behaviours. The goal of laboratory training is personal
growth of individuals, interpersonal understanding and group development. The
experiential learning in this manner is highly participant centric i.e.,
participant shares, receives feedback, gets insights and learnings,
experiments with new awareness and
practice some of learnings and changes behaviour.
The process oriented learning in an unstructured manner allows participants and group to encounter various unique situations, problems, dilemmas and thereby provides an opportunity to present self, appreciate different points of view and develop and emerge along with the development of group, i.e.as the individuals discover their own identity in group, the group also becomes an identity itself.The focus of the methodology is on sharing feelings which provides an opportunity for authentic behaviour and owning self. The unique aspect is ‘here and now’ focus. The methodology is such that that for each group, though the content is unique but the process is predictable.
The process oriented learning in an unstructured manner allows participants and group to encounter various unique situations, problems, dilemmas and thereby provides an opportunity to present self, appreciate different points of view and develop and emerge along with the development of group, i.e.as the individuals discover their own identity in group, the group also becomes an identity itself.The focus of the methodology is on sharing feelings which provides an opportunity for authentic behaviour and owning self. The unique aspect is ‘here and now’ focus. The methodology is such that that for each group, though the content is unique but the process is predictable.
(Personal Effectiveness Lab) provides a learning opportunity where the
participants can:
- · Become aware of their own patterns of behavior
- · Know the impact of their behavior on others.
- · Know the impact of others’ behavior on themselves.
- · Improve their effectiveness in interpersonal interactions to derive greater mutual satisfaction from them.
- · Discover their potential to live more effectively and meaningfully.