Monday, 7 September 2015

Happy Teacher's day to all the esteemed faculty members of IIHMR University

As a good Teacher you all have inspired hopes, Ignite the imagination and instill the love of learning in many lives. Happy Teachers' Day, IIHMR Univesity

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Wish u a very ‪Happy‬ ‪Teachers‬ ‪Day‬ & Happy ‪Janmashtmi‬

Wish u a very Happy‬ Teachers‬ Day‬ & Happy Janmashtmi‬
Dahi‬ Handi‬ Celebration starts at IIHMR University campus at 4.00 PM 5 Sep 2015

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Pradanya 2015 an international level platform to share ideas and innovations on Universal Health Coverage

 "Pradanya 2015" an international level platform to share ideas and innovations on Universal Health Coverage to be conducted in October 2015 by IIHMR University.